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The quest to become an indie game developer

C#CodingGame DevScript-writingTrainingUnity

Unity Learn – 2D Roguelike – Writing Player and Enemy Scripts

Day 008 #100DaysOfGameDev

Today was all about writing game scripts to start to get things working.

Things went fairly well… until they didn’t.

I had a couple of game-breaking bugs pop up that took me an inordinate amount of time to troubleshoot. When I finally found them, it came down to two instances of extra characters being entered where they didn’t belong. Isn’t that always the way?!

At least my time spent poring over the code finally allowed me to spot them and make the necessary corrections to get it working properly.

Anyway, here is the result of today’s efforts:

  • wrote the MovingObject script which the Player and Enemy scripts will inherit from to share movement code
  • created the Wall script which will allow the player to damage and destroy the walls
  • set up the Player Animator Controller
  • wrote the Player script which will take input and control the player’s movement
  • wrote the Enemy script which will control the enemies movement and AI

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