#100DaysOfGameDevArtworkAsepriteGame DevIllogical BaconPanic Room

Thin Walls & Doorways

Day 021 #PanicRoom
Day 086 #100DaysOfGameDev

new thin walls for tilemap

With the scale of my player figured out and the walking animations for the character put together, I realized the walls are now way out of proportion. This prompted me to consider creating new, thin walls.

doorway sprites for tilemap

I went back into Aseprite and modified some existing sprites to be my new wall tiles. Of course this was also a great opportunity to create proper doorway tiles while I was at it. I am not sure if the doorway tiles will be large enough for player pass-through, but at least I have a jumping off point that I can adjust later if need be.

A quick export to sprite sheet and the new tiles are ready to incorporate into my Unity tilemap system.

updated tiles sprite sheet

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