Hall Openings and Connections
#PanicRoom Day 081
#100DaysOfGameDev R2D46
#100DaysOfCode R2D46

Hallways and their walls are placed in the appropriate spots now, so that means it was time to open the exterior walls to make room for the doors to go in. Gee, it feels like I’ve done this before…

Most of the code was in place and all it took was some minor tweaking to get working properly. Using the new house grid as a basis for calculations is a lot easier than trying to use the floor grid system like I was before. Everything just makes perfect sense now.
The only real changes I had to make were extending the horizontal walls all the way to the edge of the house so the overlap would cover the openings left by the vertical side walls, and a minor resizing of the door sprites to make them fit better and appear on-center.