Pathways – Unity Essentials

Since I’ve been away Unity developed a new system for learning their software called Pathways. It’s a series of courses designed by Unity creators to help teach you many things there is to know. Being as rusty as I am, I decided jumping back in with Unity Essentials would be a great way to shake off the cobwebs.

This guided Pathway consists of three Missions, or components, the first being “Get started with Unity”. It covered some Unity background, reasons for learning Unity, and the skills needed to be successful with Unity. From there it guides you through downloading and installing Unity and setting up a project. Basic stuff. I still had Unity installed so I updated it to version 2021.3.2 and was off and running. Completing this Mission got me a nifty badge to show off and unlocked a 3D Prototyping Pack from the asset store.
Next up: Mission 2, Explore Unity.