Room-building Complete, But Not Final
#PanicRoom Day 112
#100DaysOfGameDev R2D77
#100DaysOfCode R2D77

With Block B (mostly) out of the way, my sights were set upon working on Room Block C. This went surprisingly quick given how similar it is to Block B and the fact that I just spent a few days figuring that one out. I laid down all the code for both horizontal and vertical variations and tested Room Analyzer C’s ability to track rooms and make changes with the given parameters. Of course, elongated rooms are still an issue, but beyond that everything seemed to be working fairly well. This actually marks the first time my House has ever actually been complete, with all three Room Blocks being subdivided into separate rooms. There is a lot more to accomplish (and fix) but, wow, what a feeling!

#PanicRoom Day 113
#100DaysOfGameDev R2D78
#100DaysOfCode R2D78

Block C having been established I decided to go back and see what I could do about my elongated room situation. I knew I would need some sort of new algorithm to handle those types of rooms, but before I could come up with that I had to first know what I was working with. This meant I needed better measurements and improved data to work with so it was time to “beef up” my Room Analyzers. I added some debugging and logging tools and started watching to find out just exactly what my rooms were doing when they were being created.

#PanicRoom Day 114
#100DaysOfGameDev R2D79
#100DaysOfCode R2D79

Having played around in Room Block A with new counting and measuring tools, it was time to apply the same devices to Room Blocks B and C. Once those were in-place I also added a total room counter to track how many rooms are being created. My thought is that this may be useful later because I am toying with the possibility of created a new method to only analyze individual rooms and determine if they should be split. By having a total count I will know how many times to run it at the end of room creation, or I can simply call it as they are built. I’m not sure yet, but it’s likely I’ll have to start working with that soon and see where it leads. For now though, I just kept running HouseBuilder in full random mode to see what possibilities it would give to gauge how often I will need to fix builds that don’t seem legit. It actually isn’t too often, but often enough that I really want it dealt with now while this part of the code is all still really fresh in my brain.

#PanicRoom Day 115
#100DaysOfGameDev R2D20
#100DaysOfCode R2D80

This session was all about playing with different parts of the House build to see what effect it would have on potential outcomes. No permanent changes were made to the script, it was more of an exploratory mission: “What happens if I do this? What if I change that? How about if it gets calculated this way?”. That sort of stuff. The real push now will be to decide if I want to call a new Room Analyzer when a room is first built or wait until the end and check all rooms as a final QA portion of the code. Either way, I still have to write the new method and, frankly, it’s a daunting task…