Skill Tree Activated

The quest to become an indie game developer

#100DaysOfCode#100DaysOfGameDevC#Illogical BaconPanic RoomScript-writingUnityVisual Studio

Hallway Overlay Line(s)

#PanicRoom Day 083

#100DaysOfGameDev R2D48
#100DaysOfCode R2D48

I had another idea to add to my overlay system to help make visual development a little easier and today felt it was time to work on it. My house is now back to where it was before I decided to re-code it almost completely anew and it just made sense to give myself another tool in my devtools toolbox.

preparing to make hallway lines by setting up some debug lines to make sure I am sending the correct data first
verifying the right data is being passed to the correct block of code I will be working in

Because I know I am about to venture into uncharted room-making territory this makes it a good time to create a visual aid to show where my hallways are being created, since they are the basis around which all room calculations are going to be made around. I can then branch off these hallway center lines to create not only my room blocks, but also my room-dividing walls.

Today was mostly planning, calculating, and tinkering to get the right kind of line in the right place. After a couple of hours of working with the code I’m pretty sure I have something solid enough to continue on with tomorrow and can probably have it done. My only real lingering issue from today’s work session is why I can get the line to lengthen, but not thicken. I guess I will find out tomorrow.

thin primary hallway line

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