Grid Overlay Hallway Indicator Lines
#PanicRoom Day 084
#100DaysOfGameDev R2D49
#100DaysOfCode R2D49

Yesterday I (barely) had a single vertical hallway indicator line for primary hallways. It took me all morning just to get that all coded up and working and even then it wasn’t quite what I was going for. While I did have the line placed in the correct spot at the correct length, I couldn’t get the width to come out right. I fixed that today.
Not only did I get the width issue resolved (it was with the LineRenderer width not the prefab Transform.LocalScale) but I went on to get the horizontal primary hallway lines generated along with both types of secondary hallway lines. Busy morning of code today!

The secondary hallway lines were a little tricky, due to the nature of their varying start and end location possibilities, but some quality testing an problem-solving eventually led me to the correct settings I needed to get it all working right. I thought it would take me a lot longer to complete this feature, certainly longer than two days, so I hope that it’s a good sign that I might be getting better at coding. At the very least I know it’s a sign that I am getting better at overcoming obstacles, so I’ll take that win.