Weekend of Code
Days 026, 027 #PanicRoom
Days 091, 092 #100DaysOfGameDev
Days 098, 099 #100DaysOfCode
I wasn’t very active online this weekend because I had my head buried in Unity/Visual Studio pounding out code to get my initial house generator working so I have an actual level to play in for my game. There were some setbacks (and frustration) but, by the end of the weekend, I had learned so much more than I previously knew, and most importantly, I had a basic working level generator! It’s still very rough at this stage, but the code does what I want it to, so the functionality exists, so all I need to do is spend some more time tweaking and adjusting it until it’s exactly what I’m looking for. This will happen and I’m very excited to see it actually working now!

I had to add some lines to my GameManager script, but the bulk of the work was all done in my new LevelManager script which actually calculates and builds a house level to play in. I am still in the process of adjusting my algorithms, but another day should have those wrinkles ironed out and then I can add some components to my set pieces and have my first demo level. It feels so good to see some real progress after almost a month of planning and designing in my free time.