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8-Axis Basic Walking Animations Completed

Day 018 #PanicRoom
Day 083 #100DaysOfGameDev

With the basic walking animation for downward movement complete (finally!), I can now move forward with importing the different states into Unity and link it all to player movement.

Creating these basic sprite animations took a surprisingly long amount of time to complete, nearly 3 hours each per direction, and I will use this information going forward to help plan future similar projects. Of course, I learned a lot from doing it as well and I know it won’t take me nearly as long to create sprites of this nature again.

I also won’t approach it the same way again and instead of hand-drawing each frame I will create assets for each piece of the figure and manipulate each one on its own layer, which should speed things up significantly. Learning Spine has also moved to the top of my To-Do list as this would really be the way to go.

DN basic walking animation

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