#100DaysOfCode#100DaysOfGameDevC#Illogical BaconPanic RoomScript-writingUnityVideosVisual Studio

Wall Buffers and QA

#PanicRoom Day 104

#100DaysOfGameDev R2D69
#100DaysOfCode R2D69


Up until now I had manually set every instance of a buffer for minimum wall clearance from an existing wall before building any new walls. With the amount of walls being built only increasing, with more on the horizon, I felt it prudent to finally tackle a task I had on the TODO list for a while now.

implementing the new minColumnBuffer variable

I created a couple of new public int variables, minColumnBuffer and minRowBuffer, and then carefully went through all existing wall-building code to change out any hard-coded numbers to these new variables. Now, if I want or need to adjust my buffer clearances, it’s a simple matter that is easily done from the Inspector. A small but highly necessary step.

implementing the new minRowBuffer variable

I also spent some time testing HouseBuilder up to this point and watched to make sure Room Block A is fully cooked and produces wall and rooms the way it is supposed to without any strange glitches or bugs. It seems solid and I am happy with what it does and how well it works. Next up: Room Block B.

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