Skill Tree Activated

The quest to become an indie game developer

#100DaysOfGameDevBrainstormingGame DevIllogical BaconNotesPanic Room

Rooms Brainstorming

Day 030 #PanicRoom
Day 095 #100DaysOfGameDev

With the coding of the base building and its outer walls calculated and working it was now time to set my sights on the interior of the house and determine how to procedurally-generate the rooms and hallways that will make up the house. The only problem with that is where do I start? Knowing no problem solves itself, I broke out my tablet and started brainstorming some notes to see if I could get anywhere. Lucky for me I came up with an idea, and things just sort of flowed from there. I am now excited to start coding and building what I have come up with.

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