Skill Tree Activated

The quest to become an indie game developer

#100DaysOfGameDevAnimationArtworkAsepriteGame DevIllogical BaconPanic Room

8-Axis Animation Wireframes

Day 011 #PanicRoom
Day 076 #100DaysOfGameDev

I began work on the many frames it was going to take to establish the 8-axis walking animations for the player’s character. I started with simple line-drawing wireframes to make sure I got the proportions and limb positions just right and will go back on the next pass to flesh-in those wireframe models and establish my basic character sprite. This will suffice until much later down the road when I need to add proper texturing and detailing. In total, this wireframe model sheet represents roughly 8 hours worth of tedious work, but I am happy with the results.

8-axis wireframe walking models

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