#100DaysOfGameDevArtworkAsepriteIllogical BaconPanic RoomUnity

Designing Grid Label Tiles

#PanicRoom Day 053

#100DaysOfGameDev R2D18

designing grid label tiles in Aseprite

I took the plunge today and created those Label Tiles I have been wanting to make. While designing them I had the epiphany to offset the numbers for the ones, tens, and hundreds places so I can simply overlap them to create whatever number I need. This way, I only have to make 30 tiles (0 through 9 for each place) instead of an infinite number for whatever eventuality may come up.

example of three tiles place over one another to create a custom number

I turned my tile designs into a Spritesheet, imported it into Unity, and sliced it into the individual tiles. From there it was an easy, albeit time-consuming, process to turn each sprite into a prefab with a suitable name that I can load into an array later and call within code.

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