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The quest to become an indie game developer

#100DaysOfGameDevArtworkAsepriteGame DevIllogical BaconSketching

Flappy Pig – Importing Sketch Into Aseprite

Day 029 #100DaysOfGameDev

I imported my sketches into Aseprite and started tracing them so I have actual sprite assets to start working with. By tracing each part on its own layer I am able to keep the different parts of Flappy Pig independent of each other when it comes time to colorize them and tweak the animation.

tracing my sketches in Aseprite

Once tracing was complete I just added some baseline color to everything so it actually looks solid. The plan is to go back over every piece and add details and shading to give Flappy Pig more style and a sense of being a 3D object rather than a cartoon 2D one.

Sprite separated into layers, base color added

I also made my first tweak to the two-frame animation in that I had to offset the two frames a bit on the Y-axis to give that illusion of “lift” when Flappy Pig’s wings go down. This is all still very rough, but I like the direction it’s headed in.

base animation

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