Skill Tree Activated

The quest to become an indie game developer

#100DaysOfGameDevCompletedFeaturedGame DevSticky

100 Days of Gamedev!

Day 100 #100DaysOfGameDev

I completed my 100th day of official game development today. When I started I had no idea where this road would take me, I only knew it was a path I wanted to set out on. I started by learning simple things and quickly found my stride and developed a fun starter game in the Flappy Bird style. I experimented and created my own features for it which only sunk the bug to become a developer deeper me.

From there I decided to dedicate my time to more than just learning how to do specific things for fun and accually apply them towards the development of my own original game. Trial by fire, right? I have often found that project-based work is the best way to learn because there are always problems and obstacles needing to be resolved and overcome. And what better way to learn than coming up with an idea and having absolutely no way to implement it? All challenges can be overcome with enough determination and game development brings me those challenges that satisfy my brain to solve and fill me with a passion for creating on a level I’ve never felt before. I know I was meant to do this and I look forward to what I can accomplish in the next 100 days. On to Round 2!

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