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#100DaysOfCode#100DaysOfGameDevC#CodingGame DevIllogical BaconTrainingUnity

Flappy Pig – Obstacle Object Pooling

Day 078 #100DaysOfCode
Day 042 #100DaysOfGameDev

wooden posts being pooled and placed at random heights
  • create new PostPool script attached to GameControl
    • initialize a new public postPoolSize int variable set to 5
    • declare a new public GameObject called postPrefab to call the Posts prefab with
    • declare a new private GameObject[] array called woodenPosts
    • initialize a new private Vector2 called objectPoolPosition and set it to appear off-screen
    • set up woodenPosts array in Start
      • initialize a new public spawnRate float variable initialized to 4f
    • declare a new private timeSinceLastSpawn float variable
    • initialize a new public postMin float to set the lowest spawn point for wooden posts
    • initialize a new public postMax float to set the highest spawn point for wooden posts
    • initialize a new private spawnXPosition float to set the X position of all newly-spawned posts, which will always be the same off-screen X position
    • add deltaTime to timeSinceLastSpawn to create a timer to check against spawnRate to see if a Post should be created
      • reset timeSinceLastSpawn timer
      • create random Y position using postMin and postMax
      • initialize a new private currentPost int to track the array objects and know which post will be moved from the pool
      • move current post in array to new position off-screen to be ready to enter game and advance to next post in array
PostPool script

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