C# Beginner – Modulus
Day 47 #100DaysOfCode

Today was focused on learning modulus and math functions over the course of four small programs. Nothing too taxing, it actually felt like an easier go of things over what I had been working on. Of course, that could also mean it’s all getting easier! One can hope.
The first program I had to write was one that used modulus to determine if an input number is odd or even. Easy. Next.

The second program I had to write was one that essentially determines if a number is a multiple of thirteen or not. This one felt good to write as I was able to draw on things I had already learned (like arrays) and I was able to put together something short and tight like I saw in my head before even writing the code.

The third program was one that struck me with dread the second I saw it – determine a prime number! For whatever reason I’ve never really been a big fan of prime numbers, or more to the point, being able to determine if a number is prime. I knew a program like this was going to rear its head at some point and here it was. The good thing was, having just learned about modulus, I actually had an idea of how to at least approach this program. I put down a few quick lines of code, made some initial tests of what I had, and determined what my program needed to have to yield proper results. By seeing this sort of math reduced to a short program actually made it WAY easier to understand! By looking at the program I knew to exclude 1 and the given number and only check if anything in between those values were evenly divisible.
Lastly, I just had to bang out a short program that used some math functions to determine the minimum of two input numbers and bring it to the power of a third number. This one was not hard at all and was only meant to show how the math functions worked.
Not a taxing day of coding, but it was fun to get the exposure to these types of programs.