Skill Tree Activated

The quest to become an indie game developer

C#CodingCompletedTraining C# Beginner – Arrays: This Time I’m Ready!

Day 37 #100DaysOfCode

I started writing Debug gates that I can use to quickly toggle program feedback on/off while its running

After stalling out last night working with arrays, I came at it today with fresh eyes and a fresh mind.

Continuing with what I started laying down yesterday in trying to fully understand just WHAT the program was doing at each step of the way, I finished writing comments to explain what every operation was doing.

Once I had the program theory down, that is, what it SHOULD be doing, I then had to figure out why it WASN’T doing it. I started writing a bunch of DEBUG lines that would display certain bits of information for me at key points in the program, but I wrote them in such a way that I could easily toggle them on and off.

Wait?! Did I just discover writing my own debug tool within the code? Oh, man! This is a game-changer! Now I can flag certain sections of my code to see if they are performing as expected or throwing out something else entirely.

I also learned that slowing down and checking each line, or section, as it is written is a much better way to go as I can catch things that throw errors quicker and not have to isolate it from a bigger block of code.

My debug game is most definitely +1 today!

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