
Codeasy.net – C# Elementary Lessons 1 – 3

Day 16 #100DaysOfCode

Today I began training with https://codeasy.net and started the Elementary course. It may be a little back to basic, but I feel like the more repetition I do of the “basics” then the stronger my foundation will be in the long run. I will have no problem with committing this stuff to solid memory as it will aid in my recall later when I just need to know this stuff like it’s second nature.

clear and easy to read charts and graphics

Anyway, Codeasy has a great way of presenting the material in story form to make it more entertaining to learn the lessons. Information that is presented is easy to understand and follow and I feel like they really want to make it as easy as possible to get the material down.

I got positive feedback from my favorite supermodel!

Coding exercises are checked and you get a Pass or Fail message depending on if you get the lesson right or wrong. The cool thing is you see a short animated GIF indicating how you did which is actually a neat little boost. My favorite so far was when I got a short cheer from Heidi Klum when I got a coding exercise correct. Sometimes it’s the little things.

integrated Visual Studio extension for easy coding of lessons

The best part of working with Codeasy is that you can do all the coding exercises directly on their website via the embedded code blocks OR you can install an extension and run all the lessons directly from Visual Studio where you get to enjoy all the benefits of the various assists and tools. It’s really handy!

Today I covered Lessons 1 through 3 and can’t wait to get more done tomorrow.

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