Coming Full-Circle
#PanicRoom Day 079 #100DaysOfGameDev R2D44#100DaysOfCode R2D44 Today started with the initial placement of the side exterior walls. I knew there
Read MoreThe quest to become an indie game developer
#PanicRoom Day 079 #100DaysOfGameDev R2D44#100DaysOfCode R2D44 Today started with the initial placement of the side exterior walls. I knew there
Read MoreDay 007 #PanicRoomDay 071 #100DaysOfGameDev (continued from Part 1) Collisions With all the Tiles for the Tilemap properly placed to
Read MoreDay 084 #100DaysOfCodeDay 048 #100DaysOfGameDev Obstacle Gaps added variable in PostPool to determine the gap between last post and current
Read MoreDay 083 #100DaysOfCodeDay 047 #100DaysOfGameDev I started work on a new coin script that would spawn bonus coins into the
Read MoreDay 073 #100DaysOfCodeDay 037 #100DaysOfGameDev add new C# script to FlappyPig GameObject get Rigidbody2D component data for FlappyPig GameObject to
Read MoreDay 065 #100DaysOfCodeDay 019 #100DaysOfGameDev Today I am going to learn how to implement throwing projectiles at enemy robots using
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